Bus Schedules
Find Your School and/or Bus Assignment
Manassas City Public Schools makes every effort to assure the accuracy of information provided. Bus route and schedule information is maintained and communicated through a third-party web query software. Please visit the link below to find out your child's bus stop information by address:
For students with special needs, please call Transportation Department Operations Specialist Krysta Stanley at 571-377-6091 for bus route information.
All students need to be out at their bus stops ten minutes prior to their pick-up times.
For kindergarten students or younger, parents/legal guardians need to be at their student's bus stop in the afternoon in order to meet their children. The only exception to this, is if the kindergarten or younger student's older sibling rides the same bus and gets off at the same stop location.
Bus Route Information
Manassas City Public Schools Department of Transportation utilizes route changers in order to better serve our students and community. Route changers are display devices placed on both sides and the back of buses to show the route that the bus is running. These devices also help eliminate confusion when a bus needs repairs and cannot be used. The substitute bus will display the route number on the route changer, making it easy for students to identify their bus.
Every student that is transported to and/or from school by a school bus is assigned a stop and route. With safety as our number one consideration, it is important for school staff to know the identity of students on every bus so that parents may be contacted more expediently in the event of an emergency. It is necessary that every student goes to his/her assigned stop and ride the assigned bus. Together, we can keep students and the community safe!