Fine and Performing Arts
The Manassas City Public Schools Fine Arts Program includes opportunities for students in grades K-12. The curriculum integrates the performing arts with practices of innovative thinking. We aim to develop students’ capacity academically, artistically and socially so that they leave the school system as independent, collaborative, responsible and creative young adults with a lifelong interest and ability within the arts.
Students are given the opportunity to obtain knowledge, skills and understanding to demonstrate mastery of musical skills and concepts as performers, composers, and consumers of the art form. Band, chorus and orchestra classes are offered at the intermediate, middle, and high school levels. To learn more about specific performing groups at the middle and high school levels, contact the school your child will attend.
Mr. Stevens (Band)
Ms. Douglas (Chorus)
Music Technology
This is a blended learning class open to 7th and 8th grade students who are interested in learning how music technology works. Enrollment is limited to 20 students per class. The scope of this course includes the following essential learning:
Introduction to Music Technology
Acoustics: The Science of Sound
Sound Engineering
The Technology of Music
Final Project Creation
Mr. Stevens
The theatre program offers opportunities to experience and appreciate dramatic literature and participate in the creative process through performance and production.
Ms. Harrington - Theater
Visual Art
Visual Art 1
Identified students may qualify for a full year of Gifted and Talented Art.
Exploration, analysis and investigation of the creative process will be emphasized. Technical skills that allow students to communicate ideas visually will be explored. The development of inquiry skills and vocabulary will also be a focus as students are encouraged to analyze the meaning of works of art.
Visual Art 2 (Open only to 8th graders who PASSED Visual Art 1 as a 7th grader)
Identified students may qualify for a full year of Gifted and Talented Art.
Application of art media, traditional and emerging technologies and technical skills to the manipulation of the elements of art and the principles of design will be emphasized. Students will develop skills that enable them to make choices regarding media and technique in order to express their own ideas. Students will produce works of art from preliminary ideas and sketches.
Ms. Kane