Career and Technical Education (CTE)
Career Connections/Career Investigations (Semester course)
This course allows students to explore career options and begin investigating career opportunities. Students assess their roles in society, identify their roles as workers, analyze their personal assets, complete a basic exploration of career clusters, select career pathways or occupations for further study, and create an Academic and Career Plan based on their academic and career interests. This course also helps students identify and demonstrate the workplace skills that employers desire in their future employees.
Keyboarding (Semester course)
This course is designed for secondary school students to develop real-life, outcome-driven approach skills for digital citizenship, basic computer operations, keyboarding, application software (word processing, spreadsheets, multimedia applications, databases), and career exploration. This course promotes skills that can be applied across the curriculum and offers preparation relevant to 21st century skills and postsecondary education. This course utilizes various applications, and a portion of this course is entirely online. Students will be responsible for independently completing the online portion of the course.
Make it Your Business (Semester course)
Students design, establish, and operate a small-group or class business, producing a service or product that meets an identified school or community need. Emphasis is placed on the introduction and application of business terminology, basic entrepreneurship concepts, and fundamental business principles.
Digital Input Technologies/Digital Technology Foundations (Semester course)
Digital Input Technologies introduces the use of relevant and emerging technologies, tools, and applications to prepare students for current workplace practices and everyday life. Students will demonstrate information processing using a variety of hardware and software and Internet-based tools to produce and integrate data in various formats. This course is designed for students wishing to progress through more advanced business and information technology coursework.
Information Technology Fundamentals (Year-long High School course)
Information Technology Fundamentals introduces the essential technical and professional skills required for students to pursue programs leading to professional careers and information technology certifications. The course introduces skills related to digital technology, digital applications, maintenance/upgrading/troubleshooting, and networking fundamentals. Students also explore ethical issues related to computers and Internet technology.
Family and Consumer Sciences Courses
Teen Living 7/Teen Living
Teen Living emphasizes personal responsibility for the demands of multiple life roles through hands-on project-based instruction. Students focus on individual development, maintaining their personal environments, applying nutrition and wellness practices, managing consumer and family resources, creating textile, fashion, and apparel products. Instruction in this course emphasizes science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) concepts, where appropriate.
Advanced Teen Living 8/Life Management
This course teaches higher-order thinking skills through simulated life experiences such as family role-playing and caring for children, evaluation of short-and long-term goals, and assessments of different techniques to balance work and family. Students also complete various modules in a self-directed multimedia lab.
Technology Education Courses
Inventions and Innovations
Students apply the engineering design process to plan, build, and communicate inventions or innovations that address 21st century problems facing them, their community, and the world. This hands-on course allows students to apply creativity and innovation that emphasizes working in teams and the safe use of technology, tools and equipment. High-quality work-based learning will provide experiential learning opportunities related to students' career goals and/or interests.
Technological Systems
Students will experience the problems and opportunities of our increasingly technological society. The class will provide hands-on learning to explore technologies and the systems of which they are composed. They also explore technology-oriented careers and project-based learning to explore technological systems. High-quality work-based learning will provide experiential learning opportunities related to students' career goals and/or interests.
Technology of Robotic Design
Students engage in the study of computers and microprocessors and their applications to manufacturing, transportation, and communication systems. Topics include computer equipment and operating systems, robotics, programming, control systems, and social/cultural impact of these technologies. Problem-solving activities challenge students to design, program, and interface devices with computer systems. Learning activities include robotics, computer-aided design, computer-aided manufacturing and design, and control of electromechanical devices. Contextual instruction and student participation in co-curricular career and activities will develop leadership, interpersonal, and career skills. High-quality work-based learning will provide experiential learning opportunities related to students' career goals and/or interests.